Thomas Alva Edison was born in America in 1847. When we want to read at night we simply press a switch and the electric bulb give us light . But in past there was not this type service available. And when Edison say to the people of New York then other scientist laughed at him. And after one thousand and twelve hundred experiments he succeed to invent electric bulb.When he was child he was fond of asking questions.
when he was in fourth class one day his teacher was teaching chapter about birds. She told to students that they can fly high up in the sky . Then Edison asked his teacher mam why we cannot fly up in the sky. Teacher told him that we have not wings. Then Edison asked why we have not wings. He asked many questions and his teacher became angry. And say to his parents to take out from school. Then Edison found good teacher in his mom. And then he takes remaining education from his parents. And himself was bond of reading books and experiments.
Then he took a job in railway and did his experiments in that yard and one day train moved . Suddenly he was busy in doing experiment and drop of phosphorus dropped down and fire caught in railway yard . And he was dismissed from job and he established a laboratory in his house . And he invented gramophone in 1877. This made him famous all over America . In 1878 he started work on electric bulb. And then in 1879 after 1200 experiments on New year's day 1880 he and his workers put bulb in his laboratory . On 4th September 1882 in New York first time shown in the brightness of electric lights. Thomas Alva Edison served his country during the first world war . On 18th October 1931 he died .We get a good thought from him that nothing is impossible in this world . Because the word impossible says that I am possible.
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